The Republicans in the Senate appear to be convinced that tax-cuts are the only solution to saving and creating more jobs during this economic crisis. If one looks at the recent past, the only thing that tax-cuts have resulted in are incentives for rich corporate executives to pocket the money and export jobs overseas, thus putting millions of Americans in economic turmoil. America has lost more jobs during the Bush Administration, than under any other recent time in the history of this country.
Obviously, tax-cuts are a smoke-screen for the underlying cause of job losses in America. There is a bigger problem which Congress refuses to face up to -- the fact that powerful executives of Corporate America have run the country during the Bush Administration – in collusion with the Vice President. The underlying problem with the economic dilemma is not the downfall of true ideal capitalism. The culprit is outright corporate greed and corruption in Congress and total ignorance of what real capitalism should be. Tax-cuts were only incentives to the rich to export jobs overseas and an opportunity to get richer.
I’m not blaming every senator or representative for being corrupt for there are honorable servants of the people in Washington. However, there are many who are easily influenced by corporate lobbyists as well as inside government lobbyists who have corrupted a once very good model of government.
The answer? Clean up Washington. Set term limits for all branches of government including the legislative and judicial branches. How can we expect to progressively move forward when we are still living in the past with old ways of governing and methods of doing business – especially when those methods are as polluted as a cesspool?
Start with the Senate for example. A lot of Senators have served for a lifetime. It’s about time that a cap be put on their service. It’s obvious that the country needs a new way of thinking. A new bold, open way of governing. A lot of Senators seems to be very “closed minded.” It’s either their “party’s way,” or, “the highway.” Sometimes, it’s not even the party’s way. And, a lot of times, their actions are not in the best interest of their constituents, only the “constituents” who have paid them under the table. After all, it’s money they have. We don’t – they’re the ones who put us out of work! Remember?
I say, let’s put a cap of a two-term limit for each Senator. Then, it’s time for a change.
As for judges, the same thing. Perhaps a 10 year term, once only. Then rotate the bench. Get some fresh blood in the judicial system.
Or, why not make it easy for the people? Everybody gets elected to a four-year term and everybody is up for re-election every four years with a two-term limit for a maximum of eight consecutive years? Any limit is, perhaps, better than what we have right now.
And while we’re cleaning up Washington, ban all lobbyists. Not only those who represents major corporations, but also those who represent government entities including the Pentagon. Our national budget is so out of balance that it’s no wonder why we cannot afford a better national infrastructure (electrical grid, transportation system, alternative energy, etc.). Most of the money being spent is wasted on military spending.
Finally, the people need to be given the right to a federal recall any sitting elected official at-will. Like, in the state of California. In other words, if you’re not working out, why prolong the agony for the people. The people should have the right to get rid of you at the drop of a dime. If your current representative is not in favor of changing the Constitution, do all you can to find someone who will fight for our rights and freedoms and not those of special interests.
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